Four jobs I've had in my life:
- After-school tutor at the housing authority in my hometown (high school): We provided a place for children living within the housing authority to do homework, have positive role models, and experience things they might not otherwise (field trips, guest speakers, etc.).
- Preschool teacher (college): I worked with 15-24 month-olds for almost my entire time in college. Even after I left for another job (see #3), I still worked there in the summer. It was rewarding, but hard work! I loved my kids and my co-workers, but I knew I couldn't do it for the rest of my life.
- Women's clothing boutique (college): My last two years of college, I worked in a store in downtown Chattanooga. We mostly sold items from small designers (but some bigger names, like DVF). Window and floor design were definitely my favorite parts of the job. Claim to fame: we were featured in Lucky magazine (windows that I helped dress!).
- SunTrust Bank Call Center: I am not a telephone person. I hate even ordering pizza via phone! Also, I'm not really a business/financial-minded person. You can imagine how well this worked out. It's the only job I ever did for less than a year!
Four books I would read over and over:

The actual answer is: none! I hate re-reading books, re-watching movies, etc. So boring! But if I had to choose, I would choose the following series that I love:
- Southern Vampire (Sookie Stackhouse) series by Charlaine Harris
- Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell
- V.I. Warshawski series by Sara Paretsky
- Spellman series by Lisa Lutz
Four places I have lived:
- Smalltown, Middle Tennessee (trust me, unless you're from my hometown, you wouldn't have heard of it!)
- Chattanooga, Tennessee (college)
- Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia (just across the state line from Chattanooga; the only non-Tennessee state I've lived in -- also college)
- Nashville, Tennessee

- Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith
- The Help by Kathryn Stockett
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani
Four places I have been:
- Baja California, Mexico (mission trip)
- Boston, Massachusetts (trip with my mom)
- San Francisco, California (trip with my husband-to-be)
- New Orleans, Lousiana (many trips -- my favorite city)
Four of my favorite foods:
- Coffee (black only!)
- "Punch" from my childhood (ginger ale, topped off with OJ)
- Dark Chocolate Almond Milk
- Simply Grapefruit Juice
Four places I'd rather be right now:
- On the beach with a book (and I will be in June!)
- With my nephew, brother, and sister-in-law (in Africa)
- A bookstore (I live miles from one, and the library for some reason closed for the entire Easter weekend -- both Friday and Saturday!)
- San Francisco (a city I frequently mention as a place I would like to visit again)
Four things that are very special in my life:
- Brent (and Caleb, my soon-to-be stepson)
- Jude (my nephew)
- Other family (lots!)
- Friends (I have the best -- love them)
Great answers! The Help is one of my favorite books too!