So my first 24-hour read-a-thon is over, and I can't brag and say I made it the whole time. I can say that I was conscious of it happening during its time frame, and that I made a concerted effort to read more than not-read.
To all those who made it the entire 24 hours without taking (long) breaks, congratulations and, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!" (in the spirit of Wayne & Garth). In fact, just to call attention away from my own transgressions, let's revisit that scene and celebrate those of you who made it the whole time (and therefore are similar to Alice Cooper? I'm not sure about that metaphor!):
So to sum up my own reading, I'll tell you what I read over the weekend rather than over that 24-hour period of time set aside for the read-a-thon:
- U is for Undertow
by Sue Grafton (403 pages), read late Friday and into the wee hours of Saturday morning
- The Wife's Tale
by Lori Lansens (353 pages), read in the wee hours of Saturday morning, sporadically throughout the day on Saturday, then from 10pm or so Saturday night until the wee hours of Sunday morning
- Bones of Betrayal
by Jefferson Bass (so far, 249 pages read with an additional 47 to go), read Sunday in spurts throughout the day & night
- The Cracker Queen: A Memoir of a Jagged, Joyful Life
by Lauretta Hannon (so far, 32 pages read with an additional 190 to go), read late Sunday night
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