I am ALWAYS reading multiple things at once... Sometimes a stack of in-the-process books on my nightstand might be 6 or 7 books high. At the moment the nightstand is empty (well, of books, anyway), but I am reading three very different books. They're just scattered throughout the house. And in my car. Along with a few others. Let me give you some idea of what I mean:

Books piled on my coffee table

Books stacked on the arm of my couch

Books on the edge of my computer desk

Book open (to save my place) on my dresser
As you can see, I've checked out several cookbooks from the library, as cooking is next to reading as my second favorite hobby. I will discuss them in later posts, but only if they warrant it!
The only three books I actually claim to be reading at the moment are:
- The Tenth Muse: My Life in Food by Judith Jones
- Traveling with Pomegranates: A Mother-Daughter Story by Sue Monk Kidd & Ann Kidd Taylor
- Evil at Heart by Chelsea Cain
Quite a random selection, if I do say so myself. All amazing, in ways that make them worlds apart. Jones is a literary name-dropping fest; Kidd & Taylor's, part memoir, part academic research paper; and Cain's is just thrilling fun (and okay -- nightmare-inducing). My final thoughts will be posted as I (finally) finish them.
Which may be a few days, considering that I'm also cramming for a Praxis II test this weekend on English Language & Literature: Pedagogy. Plot summaries & character lists for approximately 40 classic pieces of literature are printed and waiting for me to study them...
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